Gugu Gumede opens up about losing 30 kgs through sleeve gastrectomy and healing from her mother's death

Actress Gugu Gumede. Picture: INSTAGRAM.

Actress Gugu Gumede. Picture: INSTAGRAM.

Published May 24, 2024


Local actress Gugu Gumede, recently revealed that she lost 30 kgs in just four months through sleeve gastrectomy, a surgical procedure for weight loss.

The gastric sleeve, also called sleeve gastrectomy, is a bariatric surgery operation which induces weight loss by reducing the intake of food.

According to Mediclinic: “Bariatric surgery is covered by many medical schemes, but only if such procedures are deemed necessary for medical purposes and if it is seen as vital in preserving the health of the member.”

This surgery costs between R60 000 to R140 000, depending on the procedure.

This operation involves removing a portion of the stomach, which helps reduce food intake. Patients typically lose about 60-70% of their excess weight within the first two years post-surgery.

Gumede took to her YouTube channel to explain her reasons for undergoing the surgery.

She shared that her mother’s death had a profound impact on her life and that he was four months pregnant when she died. This led to her to withdraw from social media and public life.

“Those who know me, know that in September 2021, I lost my mother unexpectedly and I took a huge break from social media and became disengaged. The content I was posting was work-related,” she said.

“After that, I never managed to come back and show a lot of myself. I just had my child and kind of shielded her. I didn’t want people to come into our little bubble and I just stayed in it.”

Gumede added that she also noticed she was gaining weight, which intensified after she stopped breastfeeding.

She noticed significant weight gain, which intensified after she stopped breastfeeding. Picture: Diva Plavalaguna/PEXELS

“That also came from me stopping to breastfeed. No one told me that if I stopped, I would be at risk of gaining weight,” she explained in the video.

She added that she experienced physical discomfort, including foot pain and a pounding heart at night. She was also concerned about her health due to her family’s history of high blood pressure.

“Physically I didn’t feel good and my feet would hurt. I would go to bed at night and my heart would be pounding. I was so scared because I had high blood pressure, which unfortunately runs in my family.”

“I knew that I was now at high risk of becoming a chronic patient.”

Given her busy schedule and responsibilities as a mother, Gumede decided that sleeve gastrectomy was the best option for her.

“I wanted the portion control to be there. I didn’t want to just lose weight and have an issue of portion control. I needed that help and decided to get it done,” she said.

Despite the challenges, Gumede is happy with her decision.

Scores of social media users have since express interest in her journey.

@mommyhood_village3674 wrote: “Hi mama, firstly I’d like to say you look gorgeous. I’m also very interested in gastric sleeve and I’d like to know if your surgery was self-funded or if medical aid covered the costs and how much exactly is the surgery, please break down the costs I’ve been trying to look for someone who is honest enough about the money aspect of this surgery.”