Family claims Nontutuzelo Mbiza’s BEE ownership is a front for SKG Africa

Published Nov 25, 2024


The Star has located the family of Nontutuzelo Mbiza, who is allegedly the BBE partner of SKG Africa and Jean du Plessis, after investigating the alleged fronting for Department of Public Works tenders by SKG Africa and its owner.

According to Nomahlubi Radebe, who claimed to be Mbiza’s cousin, Mbiza’s 51% stake in SKG Africa is “completely fake”.

The story began when Andile Mngxitama of the uMkhonto weSizwe Party accused Du Plessis, the proprietor of SKG Africa, of corruption.

He asserted that Du Plessis’s many firms, including SKG Africa, were exploiting Black individuals as fronts.

Fronting refers to the practice of using a black person or other historically disadvantaged individual as a “front” to obtain business contracts, government licenses, or other benefits, while the actual control and benefits remain with white or other previously advantaged individuals.

While the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act (53 of 2003) aims to promote economic empowerment and address historical inequalities, fronting undermines the purpose of BEE by misrepresenting the ownership, control, and benefits of businesses.

Radebe stated that, despite learning through the media that her cousin is the 51% owner of a company earning hundreds of millions annually, Mbiza is far from being a millionaire.

“My cousin is not a millionaire. In fact, she struggles with simple things like airtime, data, and even debt. I was surprised to read about her in the Sunday newspaper, I can tell you that the BEE status is completely fake. They are using my cousin to make money,” Radebe said.

A source within the department informed The Star that a BEE company could secure a tender worth millions, yet its director often lacks basic business knowledge.

“She would live in a small house, not even have a driver’s license, but on paper, she’d be the director of a multimillion-rand company doing business with the government. It would be clear that something doesn’t add up, but Du Plessis and the small company still get the contract. That reality is known to us,” the source said.

While Mbiza has not taken The Star’s calls, she told another publication that she is not involved in fronting. “I am not involved in fronting. I deny that I am being used by anyone,” she said.

Minister of Public Works Dean Macpherson has requested the Special Investigation Unit head to apply for the presidential proclamation to investigate allegations of corruption, mismanagement, irregular payments, and lease contracts entered with private landlords, including but not limited to SKG Africa.

Police have informed The Star that in order to determine whether Mbiza is the actual BEE partner of Du Plessis and SKG Africa, they will consult her bank statements.