The pension adjudicator has moved

Published Mar 17, 1999


Pension Funds Adjudicator, Professor John Murphy, who took up office at the beginning of last year and was quickly swamped by an avalanche of complaints from people about their retirement funds, has moved.

The adjudicator's office has moved from the city bowl to Claremont. If you have written to Murphy at his old address or sent him a fax on his old telephone number, don't worry, he has made arrangements to have the correspondence forwarded to him.

You can call the ombudsman on (021) 64 0209 or fax him on (021) 64 0185. His new address is P O Box 23005, Claremont, 7735.

Murphy's budget has also been increased and he has appointed five new investigators to help him cope with the backlog of complaints.

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