How much do you know about your retirement fund? Test your knowledge by answering these questions, set by Gary Mockler, head of financial planning at chartered accountants, Grant Thornton Kessel Feinstein.
* Do you belong to a pension or provident fund and what is the difference?
* Who administers and invests for the fund?
* How has your fund performed recently against the relevant benchmarks?
* Can you change your investment portfolio, and if so, at what cost?
* What input do you have in the investment decisions?
* Do you know what the fund's investment charges are?
* Do you know what the administration and management fees levied against your fund are? Are these fees negotiable?
* Do you know what group life cover you have?
* Is there disability cover? Is this on a lump sum basis or not?
* What are your options on resignation, retrenchment and retirement?