Prepare for a retirement plan rejig

Published Feb 3, 1999


Adapting your retirement plan to accommodate changes in the retirement industry is one of the key issues that will be discussed at a series of national seminars on retirement in March.

The topic will be dealt with by Magnus Heystek, a Personal Finance columnist, author and deputy chairman of Citadel.

He is one of several expert speakers from numerous fields associated with retirement who have been lined up to speak to delegates.

The seminars are being hosted by Personal Finance and the linked investment product company, TMA Investment Products Services.

The all-day seminars start in the Western Cape on March 23 at the conference centre at Spier Estate, outside Stellenbosch. Next comes Durban on March 25 at the Royal Hotel. The final leg will be held at Vodaworld Conference Centre at Midrand, in Gauteng, on March 30.

Benefits of attending the seminars include:

* Showing you how to build up and preserve your retirement funds;

* Estimating your needs for retirement;

* Providing you with guidelines for the best pre- and post-retirement investment strategies;

* Helping you prepare mentally for retirement; and

* Assisting you to plan for efficient taxation in the build up to your retirement and thereafter.

Financial planning and retirement tax expert, Jacqui Segal of M3 Capital, will deal with Finance Minister Trevor Manuel's retirement tax, and investing and protecting your money will also come under the spotlight.

Here is the full programme:


07h30 - 08h00


08h00 - 08h15

Welcome Address

Dave Donald - Managing Director: TMA IPS (Pty) LtdBruce Cameron - Editor: Personal Finance

08h15 - 08h45

Introductory Overview

- The changing face of the investment industry- How to cope with an ever changing landscapeMagnus Heystek - Deputy Chairman: Citadel Investment Services

08h45 - 09h30

Retirement fund taxation and policy

- Katz proposals in a nutshell- The impact of the Katz tax model on retirement funds- How to preserve your retirement fund accumulation and taxation on retirementJacqui Segal - Head, Investment Products: M3 Capital

09h30 - 10h15

Dealing with the market

- Is a global recession on the cards?- What factors will drive financial markets over the next 12 months- Asset allocation during times of uncertaintySpeaker to be confirmed

10h15 - 10h45


10h45 - 11h30

Mutual funds: the people's choice

- Trends emerging in the local Unit Trust Industry- Analysing performance across all sectors of the industry- Are unit trusts becoming an expensive investment medium?Peter Linley - Investment Head, Unit Trusts: Old Mutual Asset Managers

11h30 - 12h15

Managing the investment manager

- How to use the multi manager concept to best effect- How to identify and evaluate a good fund manager- Are "funds of funds" the solution to market timing, asset allocation and fund manager selection?Trevor Garvin - Operational Manager: TMA IMS (Pty) Ltd

12h15 - 13h00

Property as an investment

- Is the long awaited recovery in Property Unit Trusts underway - A review of the property market in South Africa and emerging trends- Impact of retirement fund taxation on Property Unit TrustsCraig Ewin - Joint Managing Director: Marriott Property Services

13h00 - 14h00


Breakaway Workshops: Investment Advisers - Option A

14h00 - 14h45

The essentials of retirement fund management in South Africa

- Understanding the purpose and nature of retirement funds- A synopsis of recent legislation, rules and codes of conduct for retirement fund managementChris Bvsenberg - Independent Financial Adviser: BSI Employee Benefits

14h45 - 15h30

The truth about giving financial advice

- Legal and regulatory environment within which financial advisers will be working- The operational and technical challenges facing financial advisers- The future of the independent financial adviserNigel Scott - Independent Financial Adviser: Scott Adkins

General Public - Option B

14h00 - 15h00

When planning for retirement, how much is enough?

- How to estimate your retirement needs and chart a plan of action to minimise any shortfalls

Bruce Cameron - Editor: Personal Finance

15h00 - 15h30

Retirement : the fulfilment of a life-time's ambitions

- How to prepare yourself mentally for a new phase of lifeDr Kobie Taljaard - Director, Human Resources: Cape Technikon

15h30 - 15h45


15h45 - 16h30

Panel Discussion

Questions and answers from the floor

Chairman:Magnus Heystek - Citadel Investment ServicesParticipants:Bruce Cameron - Personal Finance

Chris Bvsenberg - BSI Employee BenefitsCraig Ewin - Marriott Property ServicesJacqui Segal - M3 CapitalKobie Taljaard - Cape TechnikonPeter Linley - Old Mutual Asset ManagersNigel Scott - Scott AdkinsTrevor Garvin - TMA Investment Management Services (Pty) Ltd

TMA Investment Products Services (Pty) Ltd reserve the right to change the programme as circumstances dictate.

For more information and to book for the seminars, contact Worth Publishing, PO Box 3013, Dainfern, 2055, telephone: 2711 7998150, fax 2711 7998063 or email:

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