Points raised by the pension theme committees

Published Feb 26, 1997


The following are the main points raised by the committees looking into proposed changes to retirement funding.

Old Age Assistance:

* A gradual move to abolish the means test for the State old age pension. This would cost R2 billion extra;

* Old age pensions should be determined both by the consumption needs of old people and the fiscal situation;

* Eligibility for old age assistance should be retained at age 60 for women and 65 for men.

Private Sector Retirement:

* Administration be made more efficient and fraud eliminated;

* A clear statement on protecting accrued tax benefits;

* Maximum age for RA funds should be raised to 75 or eliminated;

* Equal tax treatment across funds;

* Possible minium pensions.

Public Sector Retirement:

* Total equality in tax treatment of public and private sector pension funds to be achieved from March 1, 1998;

* Examine a pay-as-you-go funding arrangement and convert from a defined benefit to a defined contribution fund;

* Consider lowering the employer's contribution down to 17 percent and lower. Last year it was 18 percent and the previous year 20,8 percent.

Medical aid provision:

* Pre-fund for medical costs using an existing pension or provident fund, or create a new health-related vehicle. However, there are problems with both suggestions;

* Departments of Health and Finance to meet to discuss the theme committee's findings.

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