If you need to contact the Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration, you will find the addresses and telephone numbers below.
Private Bag X94
Marshalltown 2107
Tel: (011) 377 6600 or 377 6650
Fax: (011) 834 7351
Website: http://www.ccma.org.za
CCMA Gauteng
Private Bag X94
Marshalltown 2107
Tel: (011) 377 6600
Fax: (011) 834 7331
CCMA Western Cape
Private Bag X9167
Cape Town 8000
Tel: (021) 469 0111
Fax: (021) 45 7197/7193/7194
CCMA KwaZulu/Natal
Private Bag X54363
Durban 4000
Tel: (031) 306 5454
Fax: (031) 306 5401
CCMA Eastern Cape
Private Bag X22500
Port Elizabeth 6000
Tel: (041) 56 4466
Fax: (041) 56 4585
CCMA Free State
Private Bag X20705
Bloemfontein 9300
Tel: (051) 448 3650
Fax: (051) 448 4468/9
CCMA Mpumalanga
Private Bag X7290
Witbank 1035
Tel: (0135) 656 2800
Fax: (0135) 656 2885/6
CCMA North West
Private Bag X5004
Klerksdorp 2571
Tel: (018) 462 3137
Fax: (018) 462 4126
CCMA Northern Cape
Private Bag X6100
Kimberley 8300
Tel: (0531) 81 6780
Fax: (0531) 81 5947/8
CCMA Northern Province
Private Bag X9512
Pietersburg 0700
Tel: (0152) 297 5010
Fax: (0152) 297 5017