The DA’s bid for 12 Cabinet positions sparks controversy on Twitter

Published Jun 26, 2024


The leaked list of demands from Helen Zille to Fikile Mbalula has stirred significant controversy and there has been ongoing negotiations between the Democratic Alliance (DA) and the African National Congress (ANC).

This leak, which surfaced on Twitter, detailed ambitious requests from the DA, including aspirations to secure 12 cabinet positions in a potential coalition government. Among these demands is the insistence on either the position of Deputy president or minister in the presidency roles.

On social media, reactions have been swift and polarised. Many Twitter users have criticised the DA’s demands as overly aggressive and self-serving. Some argue that such high stake demands undermine the spirit of cooperation essential for effective coalition governance.

Conversely, supporters of the DA stance argue that securing key cabinet roles for the party to effectively implement its policies and provide checks and balances with in the coalition.

Twitter user @DesMoloto said the only thing saving the ANC is the animosity between DA, MK and EFF. He noted that he would have loved to see 60% of the parties working together to remove the ANC completely from power due to the amount of undeserving parties holding seats.

‘’This is unfortunately not possible,’’ he said.

Another user @MathokwaneZeck said he doesn’t blame Zille for demanding these positions.

Mathokwane said the ANC shouldn’t act as though they won, but should note that the DA is only trying to neutralise the ANC’s power and influence in the government.

“Remember guys DA is not only white party but we have many black people who voted DA. If not the DA would only achieve less than 15% votes,’’ said Mathokwane.

Moreover, @Molefi_Molefe_ said that asking for so many cabinet positions was a ridiculous demand by a party because they came second in the electoral results since they didn’t get the outright majority.

“The demanded ministerial positions are strategic and run the state machinery. It's simple go win elections outright,” he said.

In addition, @UnityInSA said other parties like the DA should be allocated posts according to their number of seats in the National Assembly.

“Their 21.8% seems too low to demand DP. Maybe if they received above 30%, then the deputy president role would be debatable.’’