Choosing a world-class university is the best way to prepare for workplace of the future

The University of Pretoria provides students with multiple avenues of support to help them not only finish their qualifications on time, but also to flourish socially, on the sports field and in UP’s highly rated research labs.

The University of Pretoria provides students with multiple avenues of support to help them not only finish their qualifications on time, but also to flourish socially, on the sports field and in UP’s highly rated research labs.

Published Jan 20, 2023


The worlds of work and education are always changing, but rarely has that change occurred at the pace we’ve seen over the past three years since the Covid-19 pandemic first impacted our lives.

The massive increase in online learning and remote working has created new opportunities for people entering the world of higher education – but these new ways of learning and working also mean students must be given the tools and training to function at their very best in a changed world.

That is why your choice of university is one of the key decisions you will make in your life – it’s a choice that will impact not only your career and work opportunities, but also how you approach life in general. It will determine whether you become a go-getter who adapts quickly to a world that never stands still, or be left behind as new ways of being and doing come to the fore.

“The University of Pretoria (UP) is a world-class institution that, simply stated, is one of your best options not only in South Africa but also across Africa and internationally,” says Dr Abbey Mathekga, UP’s Director of Enrolment and Student Administration.

“The past three years have shaken us globally, and it is key that the education you receive at the university you choose gives you a global perspective, technological advantage, and helps you gain access to influential international networks. These are all built into UP’s approach to teaching and learning.”

Universities offer programmes that should help students enter the career of their choice. However, with ever-increasing competition for employment, it is important to choose a university that can provide you with the highest quality of education, transdisciplinary exposure (teaching you how to work with researchers, professionals and artisans from across various disciplines that might not seem directly linked to your area of expertise), and access to networks that will make a positive difference to you personally, in your community, and globally.

“I would encourage prospective students to do their research and evaluate which institution is best for them, especially looking at the programmes on offer, possible bursary opportunities, infrastructure, technological advancements, innovations, sporting achievements and course rankings,” Dr Mathekga says.

“UP is one of the institutions of higher learning that offers these opportunities to students, who are provided with multiple avenues of support to help them not only finish their qualifications on time, but also to flourish socially, on the sports field and in our highly rated research labs.”

As you choose a university, “future-proofing” yourself against change should be a key consideration. “It is crucial for the University of Pretoria to prepare and equip our students for the future world of work, which is anticipated to be vastly different from the current one,” says Professor Tawana Kupe, UP Vice-Chancellor and Principal.

The University of Pretoria advises learners to do their research and carefully evaluate which institution is best for them. UP focuses on providing students with a global perspective, technological advantages, and access to influential international networks. Picture: Supplied.

To prepare students for a workspace that features artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the internet of things and big data, UP has incorporated a rich curriculum that includes fundamental and foundational skills in mathematics, programming, electronics and other STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)-based disciplines. It also focuses on soft skills like problem-solving and critical thinking, along with aspects pertaining to professional practice, communication skills, ethics, and environmental and social responsibility.

The Centre for the Future of Work at UP and the recently launched UP Digital Capability Laboratory also help prepare students for the workplace of the future. UP’s business incubator, TuksNovation, makes the university’s commitment to boosting entrepreneurship concrete by helping student-founded high-tech start-ups with the commercialisation of their technology.

The University of Pretoria centres its initiatives on the idea that the combination of a highly skilled, future-fit pool of graduates together with social and community impact is what is needed to achieve sustained, inclusive economic growth and employment for all.

Make the best choice for your future – choose UP.