In a rut and uninspired by your return to work? Here are some suggestions to get back on track



Published Jan 6, 2023


It used to be enjoyable to go to work (or, in the hybrid world, to do the the work) and be motivated to find solutions to issues.

That type of drive used to make you happy. But even after a break in December, you're having trouble getting fired up about the new working year with renewed focus.

At the conclusion of the previous year, you probably thought, "I just need a vacation...." But now that you're back at work, you could find yourself browsing through social media, TikTok, or Pinterest, counting down the seconds until you can shut your laptop.

Additionally, you could be sneakily browsing job boards in an effort to get some inspiration for the rut you're in.

It's not quite as simple as you may have hoped, especially considering the state of the economy, where you should "just be glad to have a job," as the saying goes.

This scenario is further complicated by the requirement to be "creative." Nearly one in five employees globally believe they are likely to move jobs in the next 12 months, according to PwC's Workforce Hopes and Fears study, which included more than 52,000 workers across 44 countries. This finding suggests that the so-called "great resignation" is not going away.

Enough has been said about how the grass isn't always greener on the other side and that you should instead tend to the garden you already have, particularly in a country with a high unemployment rate.

Anja van Beek, an internationally renowned and in-demand coach, speaker, trainer, and a published book, with more than 20 years of experience improving the performance of specific leaders, teams, and organisations, has some sound advice.

While you still have the chance to find inspiration and a newfound joy for what you do, she advises taking the following steps to revitalise your current career:

What about your job makes you happy?

Finding importance and purpose in your job can help you perform much better. The essential quality for creating your own agility is purposefulness.

When you focus on them, you'll be in a better position to comprehend how to use your natural abilities and interests to aid and assist the greater team.

Your sense of belonging will be directly impacted, which in turn will have an immediate impact on how you feel like you're contributing meaningfully.

"As professionals, we are inclined to "fix" things, which means that we concentrate on our flaws rather than enhancing our natural talents. Make a list of the things you accomplish throughout a typical week in order to identify your natural abilities, advises van Beek.

Keep track of the pursuits that thrill you and cause you to lose track of time. Your innate talents should show in the things you can perform with ease.

Now that you know what your abilities and talents are, share them with the world. Examine your options for helping others.

A change of environment might often be all that is required to light that flame. Another possibility is that helping others makes you feel more energised. Helping a specific cross-functional team with a significant project, for example.

This might also help you establish yourself as a reliable and important resource and rekindle some of your zest for problem-solving abilities.

Find a mentor (or two or three)

Having a mentor is valuable, as many of us can attest. The chance to talk about your ideas with an authority and learn from their life and work experiences is precious. Using the lessons imparted to inform your job decisions through gaining understanding and respect has a lot of worth.

"My mentor taught me the value of networking and how to use the generosity of others as a form of money,“ she said. Van Beek argues that this only entails being willing to impart information and to provide a hand without expecting anything in return.

"I had many mentors - one with a specialised HR viewpoint, one from a functional standpoint, and another with a more general company strategy and personal perspective.

“My HR mentor has advised me on how to manage delicate situations, including some challenging Industrial Relationship difficulties, and how to address them with a human-centric approach rather than just checking a box to fire someone.”

The effectiveness of self-leadership

How do you direct your energy? What angle do you see the world from? Choosing your perspective on the world deliberately on a daily basis will have an impact on your thoughts, emotions, and behaviour.

If you want to re-energize your career, this is essential. "Our minds are like Velcro; they focus on the bad first, often obsessively.

Be deliberate in identifying the advantages of your job, as well as the contributions you are making to the team and the clients, said van Beek.

Identifying your bias is a further step in self-leadership. A bias is essentially an instinctive reaction we use to navigate the world so that we may react quickly and unconsciously.

What mental short-cuts do you employ that may need to be modified in terms of how you see your current position?

For instance, if you tend to favour or hate an idea made by one of the team members during a brainstorming session, consider if you would still feel the same way if it had come from a different team member.

According to van Beek, it’s important to "consider the significance of self-care while revitalising your position and career. Think about whether you have the right habits in place for resilience and peak performance. Strong evidence demonstrates the benefits of writing, calming the mind, and practising mindfulness as forms of self-care.

Consider your degree of dedication. Maybe three times for five minutes, or possibly a morning routine that incorporates exercise. Choose what suits you. Choose what suits you. You must invest time in creating routines and habits that will benefit you.

You will enjoy your professional journey if you can better manage the challenges you confront at work with the aid of these rhythms and routines.