Horoscope: What your zodiac sign has in store this week (Dec 18 - Dec 24)

Capricorn star sign. Picture: Pixabay

Capricorn star sign. Picture: Pixabay

Published Dec 18, 2022


Your Year Ahead

2023 allows you to capitalise on the unexpected, so don’t turn down any new opportunities just because you’re in unfamiliar territory. You’ll learn fast. Sensational romance can turn up anytime after March.

Zero in on relationships as intensely as you can.

For some, that means an estranged partner or friend may return to your embrace. Even so, take this chance to express unresolved anger, but in a constructive way.

As your self-confidence returns, July finds you heading in a better direction, although pressing professional matters could distract you from personal responsibilities, but only temporarily.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Surrender the sterner stuff to the past year and indulge in the seasonal festivities. If love has been under lock and key, Jupiter declares an amnesty. The planets also encourage a style spruce-up. New clothes, hair and make-up…discover a fabulous “new” you! Free up and unwind, Aries. Others will be drawn to your new look and magnetic charms.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

It’s an ideal week for sprucing up the home or family reunions – perfect timing for the festive season. Friends and family could also plan a surprise for you. Whatever the case, the planets put you in the mood for play. It’s also a heart-to-heart time. Talk problems through, and you’ll no longer be held captive by hidden feelings, or hostile finances.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

No one can accuse you of not pulling your weight. You’ve been working long and hard, so stay primed for a special surprise. Perhaps a pay increase, or a small cash bonus? Many Geminis also seem to be back in touch with every friend on the planet. Singles could score romance through family connections. End-of-year fun follows.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

Here’s a week for pleasure, Cancer. Extravagance, too. One warning: respect your physical and financial limits or you could overindulge. Ditto for your bank balance. The best use of this time is to find delight in romance rather than in worldly goods. Sure, you can spend up in the new year sales, just not too much.

Leo (July 23 - August 23)

Look after your health, Leo. You can have some festive fun but moderation is key. Thankfully, the cosmos doesn’t apply the same rules to romance. Here, you can be as playful as you wish. Just don’t place your all your Cupids in the same basket. Recognise that some affairs don’t stand a chance, especially the illicit kind.

Virgo (August 24 - September 22)

Use this festive season to schedule time out for doing the things you love. This isn’t the week to plan major moves or take on extra responsibilities. Instead, lighten your load and postpone difficult decisions. Catch up with all your reading, relax in nature or simply binge on love and friendships.

Libra (September 23 - October 23)

At last there’s an honest breath of fresh air in your relationships, allowing you to comfortably be yourself. This festive week offers an easier run, though there are no promises regarding how long this will last. If new love makes an entrance, it’s most likely through an unusual connection, someone from overseas or with a vastly different lifestyle.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

Many Scorpios have recently found a new kind of success and attention but, now that all the hard work is done, you should also take some time for play. And you may as well surrender what’s left of your dwindling finances to the festive celebrations. Just aim for a better financial game plan in January.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

Everything needs a great finale, including a year like 2022. For many, it’s been a troubling time, but you’re now intent on a happier future. This determination sets off a chain reaction that can’t help but lead to eventual success. Meanwhile, celebrate the season. This is your reward time, so enjoy a little financial flamboyance.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

Faced with the choice of work or play, this week, the pursuit of pleasure wins hands down. You look ready to cut loose, and in the best of ways. You can also expect a small shower of gifts or material gain. There’s also more enjoyment at home, and happier times with friends and family. A fabulous way to end what was a difficult year.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)

Work goes for a bit of a wander right now. Hardly surprising. It is the Christmas season, after all. With the emphasis on family concerns, a happy home life takes priority over most issues. In matters of the heart, this week could also introduce someone of a similar persuasion. Togetherness is the main theme right now.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Tidy your affairs early in the week and you can look forward to a stress-free Christmas. It’s been a tough year, so allow a few extra days for rest. Life feels happier, and don’t worry too much about money. The planets stop siphoning Piscean wallets and do their pilfering elsewhere. Relax, and simply enjoy the festivities on offer.