'Wonder Woman 1984' is a snooze of a superhero movie

Diana Prince/Wonder Woman played by Gal Gadot. Picture: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

Diana Prince/Wonder Woman played by Gal Gadot. Picture: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

Published Dec 28, 2020


DC has taken five steps backwards with “Wonder Woman 1984” and we hate to see it.

Rating: 2/5

Set in the 80s, the sequel to the movie finds Diana Prince/Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) having fully adapted to the outside world, with her being a senior anthropologist at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.

She faces off against Barbara Minerva (Kristen Wiig) and Max Lord (Pedro Pascal) as the mystical Dreamstone causes havoc.

The first “Wonder Woman” film was a pivotal moment for the new age superhero movies as one of the most well-known heroines starred in the first big-budget female-led superhero movie.

And while it wasn’t perfect, it was still a great movie that proved the many naysayers wrong.

It looked like the DCEU (DC Extended Universe) finally found its footing with subsequent successes of “Aquaman” and “Shazam!”.

Everything seemed stacked in Wonder Woman 1984’s favour. However, it seems DC once again took a giant step backwards as this film is one big incoherent cliché mess.

The biggest offender is the horrible pacing with a run time of 2h35m. You feel every minute of this movie dragging on.

I was an hour in and fully bored since nothing was going on. Diana moves from one scene to the next with no real motivation for her actions beyond the fact that the plot requires her to.

Barbara and Max’s motivation for their respective shifts to villainy is also underbaked and even after watching the movie, I still don’t know what Max’s end goal is.

Furthermore, “Wonder Women 1984” is not only inconsistent in the film, but also created a lot of plot holes and inconsistencies for the greater DCEU.

This is such a shame since it seemed as if DC was finally on a roll and making strides. The CGI was also very bad, which is strange since the film was pushed back multiple times and they did think about cleaning it up before release.

The movie is a huge disappointment and will leave the audience with a sense of doubt going into the upcoming slate of DCEU movies.

Let’s hope this was just a misstep and not DC falling back into bad old habits.

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