Somizi highlights the dangers of bullying: ‘It’s a spirit, which can access you through technology’

Somizi Mhlongo. Picture: File

Somizi Mhlongo. Picture: File

Published Nov 9, 2022


Somizi Mhlongo shared chunks of his experience with bullying in his #Bathroomtalkwithsomizi nine-minute video, recently.

In the video, Mhlongo said: “I get bullied every single day and the reason I am sharing this with you is because I want you to have at least 10% of the thick skin I have.

“Bullying is the most dangerous thing that leads to suicide. There is something about bullying that can penetrate your soul into believing what the bully is saying.

“A bully never gives positive things, a bully criticises, bashes and cuts.

“Bullies have been there since the days of Shaka, since the days of the Bible. Then, it had to be a physical contact but now the bully is a spirit, because a bully can access you through technology, social media, texts, WhatsApp.

“You are now fighting a spiritual war with the devil as well as a technological war of social media.”

Mhlongo told followers: “Bullying doesn’t affect me anymore, I know it won’t stop, but neither am I going to stop living, breathing, thriving and being.”

He also said Twitter and TikTok were vile and should come together as an app.

“I see on TikTok, its become one of the most vile places to be in, its become Twitter, they should come together because of all the vileness.”

His post made followers come out with their experiences and opinions on bullying.

d_coder_codermatic wrote: “Somizi people judge what is Out Side couse (sic) they don’t Know what is Inside, so you can't Change what inside you because of Out siders, remember that it’s only you in this world and there will be No Other you again, the way you are that how you ”Designed“ they must accept & Respect 🙌”

tee_musecho wrote: “I’ve been bullied since I was a kid. It completely changed the way I see myself. The body shaming really got to me – I can’t look in the mirror without seeing all the flaws that I was often bullied for.”

phumeza599 wrote: “I always wonder how do the Somizis cope with social media dragging them, you strong Somsom a person bullying you they are wasting their energy ❤️”

bucy_33 wrote: “The way I love you🥹🙏🏾❤️… May we not forget those that bully us in “jokes”💔, and what you said about TikTok 💯.“

2lee_nkosy wrote: “Been there, I know the feeling but all i can say is ”Thank you Somizi“ for your motivation 😭😭😭”

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