Kitchen appliances donation brings relief to the homeless

Siphila Ngomusa Community Development Organization members celebrated during the handover of appliances by Defy during East Coast Radio’s CSI initiative “The Big Favour”. Picture: Tumi Pakkies/ African News Agency(ANA)

Siphila Ngomusa Community Development Organization members celebrated during the handover of appliances by Defy during East Coast Radio’s CSI initiative “The Big Favour”. Picture: Tumi Pakkies/ African News Agency(ANA)

Published Oct 8, 2023


Durban — East Coast Radio, through its CSI initiative, “The Big Favour”, partnered with Defy and donated kitchen appliances to the homeless organisation, Siphila Ngomusa, on Wednesday at Strollers building in Mansel Road, Durban.

“The Big Favour” is aimed at giving back and assisting the needy community through donations.

These appliances include a refrigerator, two deep freezers, two washing machines, a top loader, a gas stove a stove hoover including groceries.

The East Coast radio breakfast team, Darren Maule, Sky Shabalala, and Carmen Reddy then dished up lunch for the Siphila Ngomusa Community Development Organisation members, during the handover.

Siphila Ngomusa Community Development Organisation founder Dr Nomvula Shale said that this was very overwhelming and has brought a huge relief.

“This will bring huge relief, I will now be able to cook during weekends for my community.

“I was very shocked and had tears in my eyes because I thought I would be receiving only a stove. I was surprised to receive so many fridges. I am very happy and really appreciative of East Coast Radio, Defy and everyone who contributed.”

Siphila Ngomusa organisation caters for homeless people living with chronic diseases such as HIV/Aids, drug and gambling addicts, victims of rape and disabled people. It also supports kids with school uniforms from the age of five to 14 years.

The East Coast Radio Breakfast Show Team: Darren Maule, Sky Shabalala and Carmen Reddy helped dish up lunch for the Siphila Ngomusa Community Development Organisation members, after the CSI handover of fridges. Picture: Tumi Pakkies/ African News Agency(ANA)

Shale started this organisation after she was diagnosed with Aids.

She said this was after everyone around her had neglected her because of her new status. She has been living with HIV/Aids for 27 years.

“After I was HIV-positive, some people around me neglected me. They showed no love and sympathy for my condition because of my status. That’s when I realised that I need to start an organisation that will love and cater for vulnerable people like me who are homeless,’’ said Shale.

She also said that one of the challenges was that the help from the municipalities was not enough and pleaded with anyone who may wish to assist with donations.

Durban Defy brand manager Shaaista Kathree said this was part of their initiative where they donated refrigerators and other appliances to different organisations in Durban and they vowed to continue to do so.

“As Defy we not only assist with employment, but we also assist our needy Durban communities. This is part of our initiative this month where we are donating 37 fridges in total to different organisations in the city. We want to continue our extend into assisting the needy community,’’ said Kathree.

Darren Maule, East Coast breakfast show co-host, said: “The Big Favour is aimed to assist the needy communities and Dr Shale has reached out to us through this initiative. Although she was asking for a stove only, we saw the greater need hence we approached Defy to be slightly generous. They then added fridges as well.”

Maule urged people and organisations to continue supporting needy communities however they can.

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Daily News

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