eThekwini allocates over R5.5m to NPOs

Durban City Hall

Durban City Hall

Published Jun 26, 2024


Durban — The eThekwini Municipality has approved setting aside more than R5.5 million for tackling socio-economic challenges at ward level through Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs).

This was discussed during the full council meeting, on Tuesday.

Grant-in-Aid is provided for the NPOs to pursue programmes aligned with government objectives.

The Grant-in-Aid Policy regulates the process of funding the NPOs to achieve the objectives of the council to ensure that the provision of services to the communities yields the desired impact and is conducted in a sustainable manner.

It was said that a call for Grant-in-Aid applications was made and a large number of organisations responded.

Following the necessary evaluations, certain organisations have been recommended to receive Grant-in-Aid funding.

Council approved the allocation of Grant-in-Aid funding in the total amount of R5 582 880 to be split among 108 beneficiaries that fit the following categories, as outlined in the Grant-ln-Aid policy.

The money would be used for early childhood development; social welfare; sports, arts and culture; economic development; skills development; and provided to faith-based organisations involved in community development.

The African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) said it supported the Sundry Grant-in-Aid Distribution due to the work being done in affected areas like oThongathi which was recently hit by a tornado.

ACDP councillor Simo Gumede supported the recommendation and hoped it would reach the right people.

“We saw the change and the work that was done in oThongathi and hope such work continues,” Gumede said.

Secretary of the IFP’s eThekwini caucus, Jonathan Annipen, said his party also supports the financial injection provided by the eThekwini Municipality to NPOs and NGOs.

“It is our belief that the work of these institutions reaches beyond the capacity of the City in many regards. It is therefore necessary that we empower these institutions that take care of the most vulnerable citizens of our city.

“However, the IFP is glad that our recommendation was acted upon to recall this item to address the administrative blunder, which resulted in money being spent without council’s approval. It was the IFP that identified this gross error and demanded the city manager and CFO provide reasons for this mistake and take corrective measures. We will interrogate the responses, and if necessary, call for remedial action against delinquent officials,” said Annipen.

The council also approved funding of R208 000 to cover the logistical arrangements of an event to be convened to officially distribute the grant funding. The details of the event will be finalised in consultation with the political leadership.

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