‘Vir Altyd’ melts hearts and shatters records

Published Feb 18, 2016


Arts Writer

NEW Afrikaans romantic adventure film, Vir Altyd, shattered records during its opening weekend at the box office – the production earned R4 727 479 and was seen by 89 731 people.

This officially puts it in the top spot for best earnings by an Afrikaans movie in its first weekend – which screened on February 12.

After this brilliant opening, Ivan Botha and Donnalee Roberts, writers, co-producers and lead actors of the movie, say: “We are eternally grateful for everyone’s support and wonderful positive feedback. As film-makers there is no greater honour for us than having so many people share our story and that our characters make them laugh and cry. Vir Altyd is a dream on which we’ve been working tirelessly for the past two years and it is a privilege to share this adventure with you.”

Co-producer Danie Bester adds: “The biggest compliment and also honour for a film-maker is when an audience comes to watch your work, identifies with the story and you have the privilege to work with people who inspire you. That is fantastic.”

Elize Cawood, Wilson Dunster, Ilse Roos, Dirk Stoltz, Laré Birk, Deidre Wolhuter, Andre Jacobs, André Stolz, Sans Moonsamy, Nicky de Kock, Caylem Else and Hèléne Truter also star in the movie.

Vir Altyd was produced by 17FilmStreetMedia and The Film Factory.

l To see behind-the-scenes photos and news: www.facebook.com/viraltydfilm Trailer link: Official trailer/Amptelike lokprent, Comment on Twitter: @VirAltyd

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